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Setting Up Local Time Source

Follow the procedure if you want one of your Windows computers to operate as a Network Time Source for repeaters and other SmartPTT host computers.


Log on to the computer as a Windows Administrator.


  1. Open Registry Editor.

    How to...

    Follow this exemplary instruction to open Registry Editor:

    1. Right click the Start button.
      The shortcut menu appears.
    2. From the shortcut menu, select Run.
    3. In the Run dialog box, in the Open field, enter regedit
      The Registry Editor window appears.
  2. In the editor, in the left pane, expand Computer → HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → System → CurrentControlSet → Services → W32Time → TimeProviders, and then click NtpServer.

    Copy path

    NTP server settings appear in the right pane.


  3. In the right pane, right click the Enabled parameter, and from the action menu, select Modify.
    The Edit DWORD dialog box appears.

  4. In the dialog box, in the Value data field, enter 1 and then click OK.

  5. Close Registry Editor.
  6. Open Services.

    How to...

    Follow this exemplary instruction to open Windows Services:

    1. Right click the Start button.
      The shortcut menu appears.
    2. From the shortcut menu, select Run.
    3. In the Run dialog box, in the Open field, enter services.msc
      The Services window appears.
  7. In the window that appears, in the bottom of the right pane, select the Standard tab.


  8. On the tab, right click Windows Time, and from the action menu, select Properties.
    Service properties dialog appears.

  9. In the dialog that appears, select the General tab.

  10. On the tab, from the Startup type list, select Automatic.
  11. In the Service status area, click Start.
  12. In the dialog box, click OK.
  13. If not needed for other tasks, close the Services window.