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Creating Accounts§


  • Determine user names.
  • In case of legacy authentication, determine a password that complies with the necessary policies.
  • If required, determine unique Radio IDs for accounts.
  • Create profiles to assign to users.


  1. In the Configurator, go to the Client List tab.
  2. In the top part of the tab, click All.
    List of accounts appears in the left pane.

  3. Click Add to add a new account.
    Account settings appear in the right pane.

  4. In the Name field, enter the required account name.
  5. If legacy authentication is configured, set up the password:

    1. Click Change Password.
      The dialog box appears.

    2. In the dialog box, in the Password field, enter the password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.
    4. Click OK to set the password and close the dialog.
    5. In the bottom of the Configurator App, click Save  to save and apply changes.


  • Set up profiles that should be explicitly available to users. For instructions, read this article.
  • Set up unique Radio IDs to users. For instructions, read this article.
  • Set up subfleets to users. For instructions, read this article.