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Setting Up Subfleets for Accounts§


Determine subfleets that must be in your solution and what users should belong to what subfleet.


  1. In the Configurator, go to the Client List tab.
  2. In the top part of the tab, click All.
    List of accounts appears in the left pane.
  3. In the left pane, click the required account.
    Account settings appear in the right pane.
  4. In the right pane, go to the Labels tab.
    List of subfleet names appears.

  5. If required, create a new subfleet:

    1. In the Labels tab, click Add.
      New entry appears in the table below.
    2. In the Name column, enter the subfleet name.
  6. Repeat the previous step for as many subfleets as required.

  7. In the required subfleet entry, in the Enable column, select the check box to apply a subfleet to the account.
  8. Repeat the previous step for as many subfleets as required.
  9. In the bottom of the Configurator App, click Save  to save and apply changes.


Perform the same procedure for other accounts.