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Capacity Max§

SmartPTT supports wireline interface to MOTOTRBO Capacity Max a multisite trunked radio system from Motorola Solutions. The system is DMR Tier III compliant, the most scalable and perspective MOTOTRBO system.

Solution Diagram


Table below provides overview of basic functionality1 supported in SmartPTT Enterprise and SmartPTT PLUS at wireline interface to Capacity Max.

Value-added functionality2 of SmartPTT Enterprise and SmartPTT PLUS applies to available basic functions without any limitations.

Features Enterprise PLUS
Voice calls
Radio commands
Voice Interoperability
GPS Location
Indoor Location
Text Messages
Job Tickets
Air Traffic Monitoring
System Health Monitoring

Voice calls§

  • Group calls
  • Wide area calls (a.k.a. sytem-wide all calls)
  • Local area calls (a.k.a. site and multisite all calls)
  • Private calls in OACSU mode.
  • Private FOACSU calls decode.
  • Broadcast group calls.


  • Emergency alarms decode
  • Emergency calls decode

Radio commands§

  • Call Alert
  • Radio Check/Silent Interrogate Encode
  • Radio Stun/Radio Disable Encode
  • Radio Revive/Radio Enable Encode
  • Radio Kill Encode
  • Ambience Listening/Remote Monitor Encode
  • Allow/Deny Lists


  • Group calls patching
  • Phone Interconnect, including Enhanced Phone Interconnect
  • Analog and/or other MOTOTRBO interconnect
  • Inter-Server group call patching
  • Voice calls bridging
  • WAVE PTX interoperability
  • SmartPTT Mobile Interoperability

Presence etc.§

  • Presence Updates
  • Sing In and Sign Out

GPS Location§

  • GPS Triggers Encode
  • GPS Data Decode
  • GPS Batching
  • USBD Polling

Indoor Location§

  • Timeout Trigger Setup
  • Indoor Data Decode

Text Messages§

  • Group text messaging
  • Private text messaging


  • Telemetry data decode
  • Telemetry data encode

Air Traffic Monitoring§

  • Voice calls information decoce
  • Data calls information decode


  • Presence Service Backup
  • Multiple VRC Gateways
  • VRC Gateway Backup
  • MNIS Data Gateways Backup


Information below is focused on infrastructure changes. For the functionality focus, see Related Features.

SmartPTT 9.14§

With MOTOTRBO release M2024.01 and SmartPTT 9.14, range of supported Site IDs in Capacity Max is increased to 900.

In SmartPTT, Site IDs are used to properly set up Local Area Calls (might also be known as site-specific calls).

In addition to the ID range updates support, visual enhancements of the configuration windows are made.

  • Numberic fields added for Site ID and Group ID parameters.
  • Outline is added for invalid (erroneous) parameters.
  • Error icon () is added for entries with invalid parameters.
  • Popups are added for icons with error descriptions.
  • Sorting is implemented for the table by each column, including column with error icons.

SmartPTT 9.1§

SmartPTT release is tested for compatibilty with Capacity Max and a new MOTOTRBO release R.7.


Starting SmartPTT 9.1, Capacity Max with R2.6 is not supported. The only SmartPTT compatible with Capacity Max R2.6 is SmartPTT 9.0.

With R2.7 and SmartPTT 9.1, range of supported Site IDs is increased to 250.

SmartPTT 9.0§

SmartPTT release is tested for compatibilty with Capacity Max and a new MOTOTRBO release R2.6.

This is the first release of MOTOTRBO Capacity Max.

This is the first release of SmartPTT compatible with Capacity Max.

Features below indirectly affect SmartPTT capabilities on the wireline interface to Capacity Max.

  • USBD Polling
  • MNIS TCP Interface
  • In-Band GPS
  • Alternate MNIS Data Gateways Interface
  • Alternate Presence Service Interfaces
  • USBD Polling
  • Enhanced Seamless Locate
  • Enhanced Phone Interface
  • Seamless Voice and Locate
  • WAVE PTX Support
  • MNIS TCP Interface
  • In-Band GPS
  • Multime MNIS VRC Gateway Interfaces
  • Alternate MNIS VRC Gateway Interfaces
  • Alternate MNIS Data Gateways Interface
  • Alternate Presence Service Interfaces

See Also§

  1. Basic functionality is the semantic recognition (encode and decode) of data received/sent over the interface, their provision to/from SmartPTT users (including necessary visualization), and logging. Examples are voice calls decode/encode, subscriber GPS locacation, etc. 

  2. Value-added functionality is the one that is built on top of the basic functionality data.